Brief Profile Broad Profile Project Executed Suresh Chawla Inventor
We & Our Environment Suresh Chawla - Research philosophy Importance of Intellectual Property Rights Funding for Inventions
Traveling Roads/Elevated Transits System Super Fast Construction Technology/ New Malls New Wind Mills/Sea Generators New Amusement Parks & Entertainment Concepts Floating Bridges/Ports/Cities Sunlight in The Night/space Elevator Breaking of Input Out Theory
Traveling roads/Elevated Transits System
Super fast construction Technology/ New Malls
New wind mills/Sea Generators
New Amusement Parks & Entertainment concepts
Floating Bridges/ports/cities
Sunlight in the night/space elevator
Breaking of input out theory
Suresh Chawla Suresh Chawla
12 Technologies Capable to Change Global-Economic & Climatic Fortunes
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To sustain and increase competitiveness in the global market, the importance of.
creating and protecting intellectual property can not be overemphasized. It is the basis of
all new products and services, a means of protecting  innovation, and a source
of revenue through licensing.

The innovation process is the rhythm of Idea Generation, Imagination, Brain Storming, Idea Management  and experimentation.
Once it is proved  and ready for commercialization, it can generate extraordinary revenue for the participating party before the competition seeps in and diminishes the floods of  profits into a regular stream.

Therefore, since all ideas are dreams before they are implemented and sometimes subjects of laughter to few, it only people who believe that gift of God  does not know discrimination, go up to the levels of risks and undertake experimentations. Such are the people who usually end up with great rewards and leave others who miss the bus  with regret.

Suresh Chawla’s   philosophy of inventions is based on understanding of  the   problems being faced by today’s  world  which is the direct result of mind less development   perused by a few without  caring  for the ill effects on environment and stake  of majority in the same space of this  planet.
Suresh chawla has dedicated his life to invent new technologies, techniques and processes, which shall improve the way we live. It is his contribution to the make Planet Earth green and prosperous.
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