Brief Profile Broad Profile Project Executed Suresh Chawla Inventor
We & Our Environment Suresh Chawla - Research philosophy Importance of Intellectual Property Rights Funding for Inventions
Traveling Roads/Elevated Transits System Super Fast Construction Technology/ New Malls New Wind Mills/Sea Generators New Amusement Parks & Entertainment Concepts Floating Bridges/Ports/Cities Sunlight in The Night/space Elevator Breaking of Input Out Theory
Traveling roads/Elevated Transits System
Super fast construction Technology/ New Malls
New wind mills/Sea Generators
New Amusement Parks & Entertainment concepts
Floating Bridges/ports/cities
Sunlight in the night/space elevator
Breaking of input out theory
Suresh Chawla Suresh Chawla
12 Technologies Capable to Change Global-Economic & Climatic Fortunes
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  1. New  wind mills
  2. Sea Generators

New Wind Mills

These days the disadvantages of fossil fuels are clearly evident. The supply of oil we have been relying on for transport for the last 100 or so years is running out. And even if we could find enough oil to supply our growing demands, we would then have to suffer the consequences of all the carbon pollution it would produce.
And in the short term, as oil becomes more expensive, large heavy vessels such as ships which require enormous amounts of fuel to run will become less financially viable.
Suresh Chawla is working on various technologies which can not only create sustainable and safe methods for energy using alternative supplies provided by universe in place of fossil fuels but create them in abundance using the supplies to their optimum use.
This can be done by using the available green energy supplies - either the abundant wind, water available at sea or solar power to generate the electricity.  This power would be free from emissions.

Wind-power Resources and Economics
On a global scale, wind turbines are currently generating about as much electricity as eight large nuclear power plants. That includes not only utility-scale turbines, but also small turbines generating electricity for individual homes or businesses (sometimes used in conjunction with photovoltaic solar energy).  
A typical large wind turbine can generate up to 1.8 MW of electricity or 5.2 million KWh annually, under ideal conditions -- enough to power nearly 600 households. Still, nuclear and coal power plants can produce electricity cheaper than wind turbines can. So why use wind energy? The two biggest reasons for using wind to generate electricity are the most obvious ones: Wind power is clean, and it's renewable. It doesn't release harmful gases like CO2 and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere the way coal does, and we are in no danger of running out of wind anytime soon. There is also the independence associated with wind energy, as any country can generate it at home with no foreign support. And a wind turbine can bring electricity to remote areas not served by the central power grid.

Recently Patent authorities have accepted the invention of Mr Chawla in the field of Wind Mills. The new wind mills will change once for all the entire perspective of generation  of energy from wind. At present maximum of 5 MW of power can be generated from a single wind mill but normal wind mills generate ½ to 1 MW  requiring lot of distance between each wind mill. This will be a news of past. The New wind mills will be able to utilize maximum wind energy available on this planet.  A single wind mill will be able to generate from 30 to 50 MW requiring less distance between each wind mill.
On the upside, all equipment is at ground level for easy installation and servicing;
Proto type was tested before filing of Patent. As the technology’s Patent has been established recently, a working model will be presented shortly to completely change the generation of energy from wind. The new technology will enhance generation of energy to unbelievable heights.   

Suresh Chawla



A  new kind of SEA ENERGY GENERATOR has been created, the patent for  which has already been granted to me  and  amendment patent has been filed, trials already conducted by me. The SEA ENERGY GENERATOR  will generate far more power than the present systems  generating power from sea. Sea raiser recently invented can operate in minimum of 30 ft of water where as this invention can generate energy from zero feet of Seawater or at the beaches it self.  The new SEA ENERGY GENERATOR  will revolutionize energy generation and can  meet the present and future energy needs of this planet.

Suresh Chawla’s   philosophy of inventions is based on understanding of  the   problems being faced by today’s  world  which is the direct result of mind less development   perused by a few without  caring  for the ill effects on environment and stake  of majority in the same space of this  planet.
Suresh chawla has dedicated his life to invent new technologies, techniques and processes, which shall improve the way we live. It is his contribution to the make Planet Earth green and prosperous.
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